Thursday, April 29, 2010

anger manifests in many ways.. you can keep it bottled inside... and after awhile you are aware that its there.. rearing to come out... you are afraid what might happen if you loose control of it... what would be the consequences for others.. but then again sometimes you want to release it.. it does not matter if you know the meaning of patience... you dont think about the whats if`s .. you dont care anyway.. letting into anger is seen as a better choice than to live in a paranoid delusion where you believe you are in control but in reality you are not.. the knot in your throat.. the pressure on your heart and stomach .. the over thinking every little detail of your life ..leaves.. maybe it will return.. maybe it wont.. maybe you will just snap.. wonder why no one is afraid of people just snapping.. the little nudge that turns normal people into monsters.. wonder why people find the need to test other peoples psychological elasticity..a rubber band eventually gives up and breaks.. its of small consequence but what if a person snaps.. given the things that might happen in ones life.. small or big.. it might build up to one big psychotic break.. still wonder why people arnt afraid to die.. do people believe that mentally torturing a person does not have an ugly end......

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