Wonder why we consider ourselves Gods most beloved creatures?? I mean we rape, molest, plunder.. do genocides.. cover up genocides.. rationalize genocides.. i mean where was the line? i dont think we will ever know now.. humans are capable of terrible things..
i guess that is just one side though.. we are capable of wonderful things as well.. but we dont see much of it .. we dont heed much attention to good.. good is boring.. evil is exciting .. even the little bits of it like.. small bits of making out.. putting up ones hand under a woman`s veil.. taking a small candy from a shop.. its exciting.. why though.. are we genetically engineered to go against Gods will? Ofcourse its said that we have a choice.. but why is it so easier to live on the "Dark side of the force?"
Mysterious, mysterious.. isnt it? Or is it just that in some part of our minds theres this little voice that says, it cant all be true now can it? i mean how can you move mountains? shatter them? halve the moon?? the other part, the bigger part, of the brain says, earthquakes.. an eclipse.. hmmm says the smaller part.. that makes sense.. but what about the parting of seas? or the ability to talk to animals and command the wind?? ... errrrr...
Thats the problem nowadays.. if you cant prove it.. it cant be true.. whats the point of a miracle if it can be done with human means or with the use of machines.. or by reading lunar charts?? Atheists use this tool very effectively.. i find it fascinating.. the question "If God is omnipotent can He create a rock that he cannot move".. boom.. you are in a corner.. its a paradox.. if he is all powerful he could create it but if he is all powerful why cant he move it but if he can move it he did not make a rock he could not move.. i have seen atleast two friends who went ballistic with this question.. what we dont comprehend is and cannot comprehend is what we call laws of nature, relativity or whatever.. applies to US... but its fascinating to see how easy it is for some people to question God.. isnt it..
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