Friday, December 23, 2011

Of Violence and Man

The following is my opinion, the quotes I have taken from the internet. I would like to believe that they are correct because to me they make sense but I am not a religious or any other type of scholar, so I cannot be sure. Correct me if i am wrong, your opinion also counts.

I remembered today a story I think from my grade 8 or 9 Islam book. I remember not really reading school books cause I was too cool for school (idiotic, yes.) but some of it stuck, so this was a story about Prophet Muhammad, about how he went to a (I imagine) village to preach about Islam, and that he was yelled at and people threw stones at him and chased him out of the village, that is how I remember that part hopefully I am not getting the story wrong but in any case after this incident, in the story, he was asked if he wanted the destruction of the village and its people, and he replies "Noon, emeehunnah adhi nuvisnenee ey" (I`m sure not in those words but again this is how I remember) .

That is how he dealt with the situation; he was the prophet yes but a human as well. Even then at the hands of such cruelty he was able to walk away with his beliefs, his pride and his humanity. Therefore to me he will always be the original Gandhi.

This is why I do not believe that we need to resort to violence or anger to resolve our issues. The thing that many of us don’t get is that, we are different from each other. Our ability to think is different, our ability to learn and follow is different too and although we can disagree with each other it is always better to start a dialogue than to punch the other guy in the nose. Otherwise are we any better?

Sometimes this is difficult, extremely difficult. In such a country filled with different frustrations, inflation, poverty, drugs, theft, violence, corruption it is hard not to be angry with anyone and everyone, especially if we are led to believe we are losing the one thing we thought could never be taken from us. Yes, it is hard but let me quote Prophet Muhammad “The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry.”

Tomorrow is probably going to be yet another day we will push into the pages of history and forget. It is probably going to be another day where our own blood and tears may flow; on our own land by our own hands. I hope it does not happen. I hope you all wish it too.
I will finish my ramblings with a quote from another guy that I would have liked to meet and shake hands with; “What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?” – Mahatma Gandhi.

1 comment:

  1. “the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry.” I cannot agree more on this. We see anger dictating minds around here. If only they take a moment to think of the consequences.

    a great post :)
    i just hope things don't go too bad tonight :|
    For, this is my country I love.
    For, this is my religion I believe in, and the religion i want my child to love.
    But to me, it's beyond my understanding how convincing I can be ...
